Old Enough to Bleed
Exhibit: Luster Woo
Location: Dougherty Arts Center, Austin, Texas
Date: May 18, 2024

“Old Enough to Bleed” represents the immediate shock the passage of womanhood brings. There is an immediate loss of bodily autonomy that a first menstruation brings with the ability to become pregnant. There is an additional perception that a woman’s independence is no longer their own. They must take care of themselves, their future children, and their future partners, as represented by the apron.
The decision to reveal the lower half comes from the phenomenon of “upskirting”, an informal term for a type of voyeurism when someone uses equipment like a camera or mobile phone to take photos or videos underneath a person’s clothes, often without their permission.
It is the second in a series of dresses that show the evolution of female stereotypes from birth to death.